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When E’in was told she was to be transferred to Branch LCB-13 for a short time period, the idea that she was going to face working with a bunch of reckless idiots lingered in her head all throughout the ordeal.
While the sinner wasn’t exactly incorrect in expecting the worst, it somehow did not occur to her that perhaps she did not think through just how bad it would be to get stuck in an unfamiliar place.
Surely, there was a reason for her presence to be needed, right?
Why, it was so easy to prove to this Manager of theirs that she was more than capable of completing this in a breeze—
E'in 猿沢
Ah, Wings...
—Is what she'd be saying right now had she not separated from her team.
The first time she ever entered the Mephistopheles, her first action was to announce that the bus looked awful compared to the vehicle that her branch owned.
She fully expected everyone to argue back, try and prove her wrong. Instead, she got voices of agreeement.
A wild ride. That was something she knew she was going to get into, soon enough.
Just not like this.
Gnome ???
There! A human-ome!
E'in 猿沢
Please, this isn't so bad. I've been slashing at these things just fine.
Saying such statements so boldly is bound to result in your death. Sure enough, several more gnones rose from the ground below her.
Gnome ???
E'in 猿沢
Eesh! That's not good!
E'in couldn't even tell if they were once human. With everything that the City offered nowadays, how could she ever tell?
They outnumbered her from five to one. Their hands were plenty, and she only had a blade. For every slash and cut, more gnomes came back like nothing.
There E'in thought to herself, "I might have taken things for granted."
"I think dying here might actually be warranted."
What a ridiclous thought, for sure. Her heart raced and her legs kicked. Worn down, E'in wished she could run away. Maybe, like the people in the bus, she too was a sinner to some degree.
E'in 猿沢
I guess that's what I get for having all that pride.
Gnome ???
Time to make gifts-ome!
E'in 猿沢
Ishmael Hearse
Of course not.
A singular swing of Ishmael's mace was enough to lift these creature off E'in. Their screams pierced their ears enough that any more would cause a bleed.
Then two strong hands pulled and dragged E'in in the most effortless manner she had ever had the displeasure of experiencing.
Ishmael Hearse
You really think we're irresponsible enough to leave you screaming at the tops of your lungs?
It didn't matter if they were outnumbered. Where E'in had the strength and the ability to act fast, the sinners understood the very concept of dysfunctionality.
Which means they know exactly how bad things can get, and how stupid situations can be.
Ishmael carries E'in's body, running away from the scene and holding her with ease. E'in, almost quite comically, clings to her as a bride would at the end of a wedding ceremony.
E'in 猿沢
...I had it handled, you know!
Ishmael Hearse
Oh, I'm sure.
Lucky for E'in, Ishmael was only sarcastic in nature, and not one to go on about this utter failure like a story to tell once there's a break. She swears that once she gets used to all this, and once she understands this job at all, she'll make up for it by saving Ishmael from danger too.